Simple tools to help you get ahead with your money
To make life easier, we’ve created a handy toolkit full of really simple ways your money can basically take care of itself. Saving, tracking your spending and staying on top of your finances can all be a breeze. A few taps or clicks and you’re on your way.
Get a snapshot of your everyday spending based on categories. It’s designed to help you understand your spending habits so you can easily manage your expenses.
Spending’s never been easier. But Left to Spend also makes it easy to track your money. See where it’s going and keep a handle on how much is left to spend each month.
Saving | Investing
Saving to buy a home? Tucking away retirement money? No matter what’s on your roadmap, let’s help you get there faster. Customize your Goals and view your progress.
Saving | Spending
Let these little rules take care of simple money decisions for you – like topping up your Account if the balance dips down, or saving the difference if it tops a threshold.
Spending | Borrowing
Checking your credit score while managing your money is easy. Get a view into your credit history, active accounts and more, all while logged in with us.
Saving | Investment
Setting aside regular amounts of money automatically works like magic. Your nest egg pretty much builds itself. Add an Automatic Savings Program (ASP) to your Account.
We’d love to crunch some numbers for you and show you just how much your savings can add up over time. You might be surprised to see how fast your money can grow.
Thinking of stashing away some money into a Guaranteed Investment (GIC) and locking in a great GIC rate? Use this calculator to figure out what the interest could look like.
Looking at purchasing a new home, or refinancing an existing mortgage? Use this handy calculator to get a sense of the Mortgage amount that could work for you.
Play with the numbers to see what your Mortgage payments would look like, and then have a look at how much you could save by taking advantage of our prepayment options.
What if your rent payments were Mortgage payments instead? Find out what size Mortgage you might be able to afford with the monthly payments you’re currently making.
In some circumstances, there are good reasons to pay off more of your Mortgage - even when you factor in the charge to do that. Use this calculator to estimate the charge.