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How do I set up my payroll direct deposits or pre-authorized payments to my Tangerine Chequing Account?

To set up payroll direct deposits or pre-authorized payments to/from your Tangerine Chequing Account, you'll need to provide your employer or payee with your Account information. A simple way to do this is to print a void cheque/direct deposit form. Here's how:

To get a void cheque:


Step 1

Log in, if you aren't already logged in.

Step 2

Select your Chequing Account.

Step 3

Click the 'Void Cheque' button.

In the mobile banking app

Step 1

Log into your app, if you aren't already logged in.

Step 2

Select your Chequing Account.

Step 3

Select the three dots in the top right corner and select ‘Void Cheque’.

If you need a direct deposit form:


Step 1

Log in, if you aren't already logged in, and then click your name near the top of the screen, then select 'Forms'.

Step 2

You'll find the direct deposit form under 'Banking Forms'.

Step 3

Click the ‘View’ button to complete and print the form.

In the mobile banking app

Step 1

Log into your app, if you aren't already logged in.

Step 2

Select 'More' at the bottom right hand corner of the screen.

Step 3

Select 'Profile and Settings' and scroll down to 'Forms'.

Step 4

Choose the 'Direct Deposit Form' option and select 'View'.